My favorite website for information is this one by far. It has soooo much information. I started to read about something called baby led weaning (BLW) and thought it was very interesting. We decided to start with purees though, since Rylie is at school all day and they would be giving her purees first there. We do some BLW ideas, like giving her large items to hold and bite off pieces on her own, and letting her take the spoon and serve herself. It is very cool to see a child this young able to already know how to take bites and "chew", especially when she doesn't have any teeth yet!
There are several reasons why I am glad that I chose to make Rylie's food:
- I can save tons of money.....check this out!
- It is super easy, I just take a Sunday and make 2 fruits and 2 veggies and I am set for two months. Or I just mash up what we are having for dinner before I season it with one of these: BabySteps Food Mill by Kidco
- It is actually really fun :)
- I know EXACTLY what Rylie is getting.
- It is much easier to make food combos that she will like.
- Lastly, it looks really cool in the freezer
colorful freezer of puried home made baby food is cute. impressed!