Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mommy instinct, Ear infections and Bleach

Sometimes I just really need to trust my own instincts as a mom.  Rylie gets a cold pretty much every 3 weeks since she has been in school.  While not fun, I have grown to understand the process which her colds will take and how to deal with them as they run their course.
They always start with the sniffles, then congestion followed by cough and sometimes a low grade fever that lasts no more than 24 hours.  Then the cough will linger for almost 2 weeks-ugh. This cold was different, it started out the same, but then a few days into it the fever came.  This time it went up to 102 which is pretty high for Rylie.  Not only was it high but it lasted for three days.  Each daycmy mommy instinct would tell me this wasn't just a cold and I was sure she had an ear infection, but everyone  Ryan and the doctor told me it would pass.
On day four of  fever ( not to mention ear pulling, screaming at bedtime, fussiness and shaking her head) I put my foot down and took her in- Surprise! Mommy was right! An ear infection, so we got Amoxicillin and headed home.

Now my counters look like this as I try to get rid of all the germs....

But at least Rylie is once again our happy little peanut!

1 comment:

  1. Great new story.. pics are what make this one so funny though, especially Rylie smiling at the end!
